Thursday, July 24, 2008

Our Thrid Annual Neighborhood Parade and Breakfast !!!!!

Three years ago our Neighborhood started to have a Parade and Breakfast to honor the early pioneers who came to the Salt Lake Valley on July 24th 1847. For the past two years I have been in charge of this. This year turned out really well we had about 140 people show up most of course were children from around 2 to 11. I had the young men who were 12 and 13 years old squirt the people as they came around the parade route to cool them off. A few houses down from them were the young women the same age with juice for the people to drink as it becomes hot at 9:30. We had all of the those who wanted to dress up or decorate a bike or make a small float receive a prize at the end of the Parade. After which we had a big breakfast it was a great day and a lot of fun.It is a great way to get to know your neighbors better and mingle with them. I have posted some of the pictures of the parade and some of the costumes as well as bikes and floats.

1 comment:

Kristie and Roger said...

You always loved to get dressed up and march to your own drummber...........looks fun